Castello Di Urio 

On the shores of Lake Como stands Castello di Urio, an elegant and exclusive palace from the 16th century, whose story is still a mistery: inherited by numerous aristocratic families, it i told that Vittorio Emanuele II and his wife Maria Adelaide of Austria have walked through the halls of the castle. 

You will be able to enjoy a breathtaking view of the most romantic lake in Italy, which will become the background of your celebration, offering an evocaive atmosphere. You will be surrounded by blooming gardens, high-quality paitings and unique fornitures that will make everyone visiting it say: ” Yes, I do”

Schermata 2021-06-16 alle 12.15.10

The story of the castle

The floor plan of the castle

Schermata 2021-06-16 alle 12.19.53

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